
God calls every member of the church into ministry. The church is a kingdom of priests set free to minister for Christ.  Our priesthood is to each other within the church and to the world. An elder, like any other church officer, is a ministering servant of God. Every Christian believer is called to ministry, gifted by the Holy Spirit, and in baptism ordained for ministry (Eph. 4:11-12).

he ministry to which a person is called when he or she becomes an elder can best be described in the following ways: (1) nurtures and provides spiritual counsel to church members; (2) commit to outreach in the community; (3) provide quality worship leadership that can transform a dull, lifeless worship service into meaningful celebrations of praise; (4) the spiritual life of an elder should constantly lead members of the church to seek a deeper spiritual experience for themselves; (5) attempt to make a positive contribution to the organization and progress of the church.