Greeter Ministry

When a person steps into a church for the first time, he or she evaluates the atmosphere. He asks himself: “Will they accept me? Will it be easy to make friends? Will my spiritual and personal needs be met? Will it be easy to find my way around? Will my family like it here?” The newcomer will quickly come to some conclusions during the first few minutes. First impressions are often lasting impressions. Consequently, the ministry of the greeters is one of the most important things that happens in any congregation! Sometimes it is called “foyer ministry.” Although a greeter’s love should be no stronger than is the love found in the rest of the body of Christ, nevertheless the greeter performs a major role in ensuring that people see and experience that love.

The ministry to which a person is called when he or she becomes a greeter can best be described in the following ways: (1) introduce yourself to visitors, extending a welcome and making a record of the visitor, which will be turned over to the pastor or interest coordinator; (2) take an interest in people, sense their needs, and be as helpful as you can; (3) invite visitors to lunch provided by the church or to someone’s home for lunch; (4) listen for deeper needs and steer hurting people to those in the church family to whom they can turn for help; (5) distribute bulletins and other materials.