Personal Ministry

Most of the heroes of the New Testament church were evangelists. The personal ministry of Jesus in saving the lost (the woman at the well, Zacchaeus, etc.) continues to be the primary model; but Peter, Paul, Barnabas, Philip, Steven, Timothy, and John Mark all figure prominently in early church history because they worked tirelessly and effectively to win new converts to Jesus Christ and to make the first century church grow. That pattern has continued through the centuries to our day. You are called to that noble heritage as you become involved in coordinating the outreach of your local church. You have two thousand years of success on which to build. You have the model of thousands of successful men and women in history. Welcome to the most important task God ever assigned to His church—to find God’s lost children and bring them home to the church and to eternal life.

Your job title may be evangelism team member, personal ministries or lay activities team member, or something else. No matter what the title is, your ministry includes:

(1) witnessing—every believer is a missionary to the family members, work associates, neighbors and others that he touches every day;

(2) communicate with the church members regularly about their witness opportunities for service;

(3) help the church members use the unique opportunities and spiritual gifts that God has given to each to accomplish His will using teaching tools in the Sabbath School leader magazine, materials on spiritual gifts and friendship evangelism tools.

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