Church Ministries

Community Services

Adventist Community Service ACS – MINISTRIES Emotional and Spiritual Care Equips and deploys volunteers to provide emotional and spiritual care for individuals traumatized by disasters and other incidents. Tutoring and Mentoring Develops basic life skills by providing support, care, and guidance by cultivating trustworthy relationships. Hope for Humanity Helps fund and support community initiatives that engage Adventist churches and members in service to their communities. Community Development/ Urban Ministry Offers relief services and promotes individual and community development that includes equipping community members with skills to become self-sufficient. Older Adult Ministry Prepares volunteers to address the needs of older adults and their caregivers within their church and community. Young Adult Emergency Services Corps (YES) Promotes service learning by giving young adults the opportunities to serve and become positive contributors to their communities. Disaster Response Collaborates with partners in the public, private, and nonprofit sectors allowing this ministry to provide the most effective and efficient aid in times of crisis. Engaging volunteers to be prepared in mitigation, preparedness, response, and long-term recovery. When a church serves the world it is an expression of the love of Christ to the world. It is the body of Christ serving the world’s needs and being used by the Holy Spirit as an agency of salvation.

Personal Ministry

You are called to that noble heritage as you become involved in coordinating the outreach of your local church.

Prayer Ministry

Prayer Ministry is an essential element for a praying church.

Men’s Ministry

The department is responsible for organizing, planning, and directing programs that will meet the unique spiritual and emotional needs of the men of the church.

Women’s Ministry

Biblical women were entrepreneurs, judges, homemakers, and Bible teachers, to list only a few.

Audio Visual

We record our services each week. If you would like a DVD, please fill out a media form located on the rack in the lobby, then return it to Tony or another AV member.


The stated interest of the church is the restoration in people of the image of their Maker, resulting in the optimum development of the whole person for both this life and the life hereafter.

Children’s Ministries

Children’s Ministries engages children in their formative years not only will build a strong church today, but will keep the church strong into the future.

Adventurer Club

The Adventurer Club is staffed with caring, well-qualified adults and teens. The Adventurer director seeks out persons who are clearly growing in the love of Jesus, love children and work well with them.


It is the role of the Communication Ministry to specifically insure that members are kept informed and the church is properly represented to the public.

Family Ministries

When the church ministers to the needs of families as Christ did, they are restored to wholeness.

Greeter Ministry

The newcomer will quickly come to some conclusions during the first few minutes. First impressions are often lasting impressions.

Health Ministries

Health ministry is the gospel of Christ illustrated, the message of God practiced.

Religious Liberty

Free exercise of religion is like a fragile flower; it must receive the most vigorous protection possible and the most gentle care to be found. Within it, freedom of conscience thrives or is throttled.

Safety Officers

Security is more than cameras and alarms installed on doors and windows.

Social Committee

Paul describes the church as “his body, the fullness of him who filleth everything in every way” (Eph. 1:22)


Often thought of as involving only the raising of money, the true ministry of stewardship is helping believers become disciples of Christ in the use of all the resources God has provided.


Ushers are ministers of hospitality and caring in the church.